Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm going to Macas, Ecuador!

A map of South America and Ecuador for those of you who have been out of sixth grade geography for a while and can't remember where it is located. Colombia is to the north (don't worry Mom, I will be in the eastern/central part of the country near the border with Peru, so no rebel drug lords will kidnap me) and the equator runs through Ecuador--which is Spanish for equator.

Macas is a small village located in the amazon jungles I believe. I will find out when I get there and let you all know!
A picture of Macas that I found online. Can't wait to take one of my own!

My adventure to Ecuador is just a few short hours away, and so I thought I better begin my blogpage for the faithful few that read my wandering and rambling thoughts and struggles while away from the US of A :) Unfortunately I had to create a whole new page since I forgot my password and lost access to my old blogpage, but I guess I can view this as a clean slate, a time to write of my (somewhat) independent travels away from the community and safety of GFU (since all my global ventures thus far have been through Fox).

Here is the email I sent out a while ago which sums up my trip...

As many of you know, I have been blessed with opportunities to travel and see the face and heart of God in different parts of the world these past few years, and I had many intentions to do so after graduating from George Fox. However, I remained in the states, at home with my wonderful parents, making lattes and applying to grad school and wondering why none of my plans to go to Central/South America seemed to work out. God is sovereign, and throughout this year He has continuously reminded me that He directs my steps...and it has been a difficult lesson for the planner/controller in me to learn to wait on Him. But He is faithful.

A few weeks ago I was chatting on facebook (thank you technology without borders) with my friend Lauren who is serving as a short term missionary through Global Outreach in Macas, Ecuador. I was completely joking when I said that I would come and visit her, but the idea quickly took root and would not fade away. She emailed me shortly after to tell me of a two-week vacation bible school and English camp that the local Christian school, along with the help of a team from the US, would be putting on in July. I was invited to join that team and help teach English, interpret, paint classrooms, and whatever other work projects may arise during our stay. The excitement of this idea was building, but so was uncertainty. I wasn't sure how feasible it would be to take so much time off work before grad school, so I thought surely if I mentioned it to my parents their good sense and logic would talk me out of going. Much to my surprise and great joy, my dad's first words were, "Well it sounds like something you are passionate about, I think you should go." So after a skype interview with the long-term missionary directors in Macas I booked my ticket and will be going to Ecuador July 8th through the 27th. All I know for sure is that I will be teaching English every morning for 11 and 12 year olds, and then will help with a vacation bible school and other projects in the community.

I am so excited, and the date is quickly approaching. I write not only to let you know about these plans (so that you don't wonder why I disappeared for the month of July) but also to ask for prayer. You all are dear to me and have supported me in my journey thus far, and I know God will use your partnership in prayer for His glory during this time as well. Feel free to check out Global Outreach's website http://www.globaloutreach.org/home. I will try to keep my blog updated while I am there (for those of you that read it...mom) and thank you for your prayers.

Peace, Linnea

"Yet I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." Habakkuk 3:18-19


  1. I'll be praying for you! Have fun!!!

  2. just wanted to say thanks for the map...you're going far away!!!! i had NO idea. :)

    my new favorite part of the bible (2 corinthians), "Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry (going to Ecuador, ASM, etc.), WE DO NOT LOSE HEART. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God" - 2 Cor 4:1-2
